Books, Book chapters and Reports
Sidibé A., Totin E., Segnon A.C., Thompson-Hall M., Hoffman T. 2017. Using Transformative Scenario Planning to think critically about the future of agriculture, natural resources and food security in Koutiala, Mali: An overview. ASSAR Information Brief
Sidibe, A., Vodouhe, R.S. and N’Danikou, S. 2015. Chapter 21. Mali: An Overview of Community Seed and Gene Banks, In: Vernooy R., Shrestha P. and Sthapit B. (eds) Community Seed Banks: Origins, Evolution and Prospects, Routledge, Earthscan, London, pp125-130, ISBN 978-0-415-70805-0
Assogba Komlan F., N’Danikou S., Honfoga J., Sossa Vihotogbe C., Mensah A., Simon S. 2015. Ocimum gratissimum L. (Tchiayo en Fongbé) : Du jardin à la table. Dépôt légal N° 7697 du 07 janvier 2015, 1er trimestre, Bibliothèque Nationale du Bénin, ISBN 978-99-919-0-305-7.
Assogba Komlan F., N’Danikou S., Honfoga J., Sossa Vihotogbe C., Mensah A. 2014. Techniques de production et valeur nutritionnelle de Talinum triangulare (glassoué en fongbé) au Sud-Bénin. Dépôt légal N°7667 du 23 décembre 2014, 4ème trimestre, Bibliothèque Nationale du Bénin, ISBN 978-99-919-0-277-7.
Vihotogbé, R., Sossa-Vihotogbé, C.N.A., Achigan-Dako, G.E., 2014. Safety of Botanical Ingredients in Personal Healthcare: Focus on Africa. In: Gurib-Fakim, A. (Ed.), Novel Plant Bioresources. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 395-408. ISBN: 9781118460610
N’Danikou, S., Tchokponhoué, D.A., Houdegbe, C.A., Achigan-Dako, E.G., 2014. African Plant Biodiversity in Pest Management. In: Gurib-Fakim, A. (Ed.), Novel Plant Bioresources. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 263-283. ISBN: 9781118460610
Achigan-Dako, G.E., Sogbohossou, O.D, Segnon, C.A., N’Danikou, S., Sinsin, A.B. and Vodouhè, S.R. 2013. Agricultural ecological intensification options in the West African Sahel and Dry Savannas: current knowledge and possible scenario. Bioversity International, West and Central Office, Cotonou, Republic of Benin. pp 79.
Holou R.A.Y., Achigan-Dako E.G., and Sinsin B., 2013. Ecology and management of invasive plants in Africa. In Invasive Plant Ecology, eds. Jose, S., Singh, H., Kohli, R., and Batish, D., pp 161-174. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8126-2.
Brink, M. and Achigan-Dako, E.G. 2012. Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 16. Fibres. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Agustino, S., Mataya, B., Senelwa, K., and Achigan-Dako, G.E. 2011. Non-wood forest products and services for socio-economic development. A Compendium for Technical and Professional Forestry Education. The African Forest Forum, Nairobi, Kenya. 219 pp.
Achigan-Dako, E. G., M. W. Pasquini, F. Assogba Komlan, S. N’Danikou, A. Dansi, and B. Ambrose-Oji. 2010. Traditional Vegetables in Benin. Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin. Imprimeries du CENAP, Cotonou, 285 pp.
Schmelzer G.H., E.G. Achigan-Dako and C.H. Bosch. 2010. Medicinal plants of Tropical Africa. Conclusions and recommendations based on PROTA 11(1): ‘Medicinal plants’. PROTA Foundation, Nairobi, Kenya, 148 pp.
Achigan-Dako, E.G., N’Danikou S., Ahanchede, A. 2010. Growing Momordica, In: Sinsin, B. & Kampmann, D. (eds) Biodiversity Atlas of West Africa: 6.7. Current state of plant diversity, pp264-268, Volume I: Benin. Cotonou & Frankfurt/Main, ISBN 978-3-9813933-0-9
Maundu P., Achigan-Dako E., Morimoto Y., 2009. Bioversity of African vegetables. In: Shackleton C.M., Pasquini M.W., Drescher A.W. (Eds). African Indigenous Vegetables in Urban Agriculture. Earthscan, London, UK. pp. 65–104.
Achigan-Dako G.E. 2008. Phylogenetic and genetic variation analyses in cucurbit species (Cucurbitaceae) from West Africa: definition of conservation strategies. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 154 p.
Vodouhe S.R., Attah-Krah K., Achigan-Dako G.E., Eyog-Matig O. and Avohou H. (eds). 2007. Plant Genetic Resources and Food Security in West and Central Africa. Regional Conference. 26-30 April 2004. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy, 365 pp.
Achigan-Dako G.E., Vodouhè S.R. 2006. Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal & Baudet. In: Brink, M. & Belay, G. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 1. Cereals and pulses. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands/Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands/CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands, pp. 111-114.
Vodouhè S.R., Achigan-Dako G.E. 2006. Digitaria exilis (Kippist) Stapf. In: Brink, M. & Belay, G. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 1. Cereals and pulses. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands/Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands/CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands, pp. 59-63.
Vodouhe S. Raymond, Mikkel Grum, Achigan-Dako E.G., Ekow Akyeampong (eds). 2004. Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Income Generation in West and Central Africa. IPGRI, CORAF, GRENEWECA project. August 1999-December 2002
Vodouhe S.R. & Achigan-Dako G.E., (eds), 2004. Renforcement de la contribution du fonio à la sécurité alimentaire et aux revenus des paysans en Afrique de l’Ouest. Actes du séminaire régional sur le fonio, 19-22 Novembre 2001, Bamako, Mali. IPGRI-SSA, Nairobi, 71 pp.
Vodouhe S.R, Zannou A., Achigan-Dako G.E. (eds), 2003. Actes du premier atelier sur la diversité génétique du fonio (Digitaria exilis Stapf.) en Afrique de l’Ouest. Conakry, Guinée, 4–6 août 1998. IPGRI, Rome, Italy, 73 p.
Achigan Dako G.E. Vodouhe S.R., Kouke A., 2003. Collecte des ressources génétiques du voandzou (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) et du ‘’dohi’’ (Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Marech. et Baud.) au Centre Benin. In Agossou A., Amadji F., Agbo B. Tandjiékpon A. Actes de l’Atelier Scientique du Centre des Recherches Agricoles du Centre-Savè. 18-19 décembre 2002, Dassa, Benin. Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin. pp. 93-107.
Vodouhe R.S., Achigan Dako G.E. & Adjakidje V. 2001. Observation de la diversité génétique des Egusi collectées au Bénin et au Togo. In: Agbo B.P., Isidore T.I., Adjanohoun A., Sagbohan J., Ganglo J., Bankolé C., Igué K., Matthess A. (eds), Actes 2 de l’Atelier Scientifique Sud et Centre, Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin, Niaouli, Bénin, 12-13 décembre 2001, pp. 53-61.
Detongnon J., Achigan E. 2000. Report on the plant genetic resources for food and agriculture program management in Benin. In: JMM Engels, R. Vodouhe, J Thompson, A. Zannou, E. Hehne & M. Grum (eds). Towards sustainable national plant genetic resources programmes. Policy, Planning and coordination issues. 10-18 May 2000, Zschortau-Germany. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN 92-9043-484-8. pp: 116-120.